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Health and Safety Environment


Our commitment to ensure a healthy and safe environment for all of our employees and contractors is continuously at the forefront of our business activities, decisions and procedures.


The AmeriCorp Group manages its activities with the highest regard for the well-being of people, places and the environment.


The activities undertaken by our company are managed to the highest environmental, health and safety standards. AmeriCorp conducts HSE due diligence on assets prior to acquiring or investing in them and also conducts HSE due diligence on its owned assets. We have dedicated HSE resources across the company whose responsibility it is to ensure HSE compliance.


In the communities where TREE operates, where possible it employs local people to manage and run its facilities. We believe this helps to create more sustainable businesses that are beneficial to the local community as well as being commercially sensible.


AmeriCorp is enthusiastic about environmental sustainability and is an active supporter of the world’s transition towards a greener economy. We began including environmental products into its portfolio as the various markets began to develop. An AmeriCorp subsidiary, US Commodities, trades in carbon emissions, certified biodiesel and other environmental products. AmeriCorp has invested in sustainable biofuel refining that encourages the use of carbon-neutral fuels.

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