The AmeriCorp Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
AmeriCorp has a zero tolerance towards modern slavery and is committed to opposing all forms. We expect all those with whom we have a business relationship to familiarize themselves with AmeriCorp’s position in this regard and to act at all times in a way that is consistent with this position. Modern Slavery occurs when a person is under control of another person, who applies violence and / or force to maintain that control, and the goal of that control is exploitation. Modern Slavery today takes many different forms; with bonded, child or forced labor posing the largest risk to the commodities industry.
Modern slavery is a criminal offence under the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Modern slavery can take many forms including forced or compulsory labor and human trafficking.
As part of its commitment to combating Modern Slavery, AmeriCorp has implemented various procedures and policies. These include procedures and policies which require the conduct of due diligence on all of its potential and existing business investments and acquisitions. Additionally, AmeriCorp conducts due diligence on its business partners, suppliers and consumers. AmeriCorp has contractual provisions in its contracts which require compliance with anti-slavery laws and has various policies applicable to staff which relate to compliance with this principle. All of our employees are required to ensure that they are familiar with and comply with AmeriCorp’s position on modern slavery and human trafficking. Employees should be vigilant and aware in their dealings with suppliers and consumers and if there are any concerns or indications that there is any potential modern slavery, human trafficking or other human rights violations they should notify the compliance team immediately and before proceeding or continuing with any business activity. Additionally, the company’s whistle-blowing procedures can be followed to report such concerns.
AmeriCorp’s Anti-Slavery Principle: Our firm has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to modern slavery and human trafficking. We are opposed to all forms of modern slavery in whatever form and are committed to contributing to the combating of it in whichever way we can. We expect all of the suppliers, consumers, counterparties, vendors and partners that we work with to behave in a way that is consistent with this principle.
We believe that we MUST eliminate all forms of corruption to build sustainable,inclusive and transparent societies. Human Trafficking is one of the worst forms of corruption and is a considerable obstacle to economic and social development around the world. It has negative impacts on sustainable development and particularly affects poor communities.